Greetings New Adventurers

And welcome to the chaos!

If you have no idea what this is or who I am, let me introduce myself. 

My name is Savanna Mayer, and I am a freelance illustrator and part time farmer. When I’m not busy wrangling barn cats I can be found drawing lady knights and comics. 

I have numerous projects in the works at the moment, but at the forefront is my original graphic novel, Yarrow. This newsletter is where you can catch all of my updates on the progress of Yarrow, plus some sweet sneak peeks and behind the scenes. You will get first dibs on lore drops, never before revealed character art, and some silly exclusive sketches and comics. I really appreciate your support for this comic and my work as a whole! 

Follow me on social media for more art updates and progress (listed below) 


 So… who is Yarrow? 

That’s a great question! Yarrow is a character very dear to my heart. Originally a D&D character in a Neverwinter campaign, she has taken on a whole life of her own. When I found myself unable to stop sketching and writing about her, I knew I had to tell her story.

Yarrow was originally specced out as a Kalashtar Eldritch Knight. For the comic, I’ve kept some of these D&D characteristics, but made them my own in finding the human truths, questions, and experiences that come with them.

In my story, Yarrow is a mind speaker - someone who, through inherited lineage, is able to communicate telepathically to others as well as their own kind. With this gift comes the interesting quirks of being ‘severed from dreaming’ and sleeping with their eyes open. The latter has led them to often acting as caretakers of the dead, able to sit in perfect vigil for the deceased all night, and taking on the duties of death clerics and necromancers. This may be part of the reason that mind speakers have always been misunderstood -  chased out of villages, their temples of healing destroyed, pursued by bounty hunters, and their families torn apart. 

Our story takes place at a time when necromancers and mind speakers are being hunted down. Yarrow and her mother, Hester, are both mind speakers, and to make matters more complicated, Hester is also a necromancer. Necromancers are met with only hostility and are killed on sight once their true nature is revealed.


NPC reveal from ‘Yarrow’ 

Please meet the leader of the bounty hunters Saska Mordain 

Saska’s favorite food are apple turnovers and her favorite weapon is her long sword gifted to her by her late wife

   Upcoming Adventures

I’m headed to Gen Con at the beginning of August! The first day of the convention also happens to be my 30th birthday, a most auspicious time! My booth can be found in the ‘Art Show’ section of the convention at Booth 66. If you happen to be able to make it to the convention I’ll be selling the first 5 pages of ‘Yarrow’ along with a free postcard with purchase.


Signing off with well wishes and happy adventuring! Thank you for your continued support and have a great rest of your day~ 


Cons, Drafting, and Secrets, Oh My