Cons, Drafting, and Secrets, Oh My

A knight in full armor, bearing a lance, gallops on a white horse. Savanna Mayer Newsetter is written on the left side of it.

Greetings Adventurers!

In this Issue:
Gen Con in the Rearview
Upcoming Appearances
Yarrow Progress Update
Character Sneak-Peeks (& Other Treats)

My First Experience at Gen Con

This was my first Gen Con, and it was incredible! Gen Con is a tabletop gaming convention held in Lake Geneva and draws thousands of participants every year. I had the best time seeing old friends and making new ones.  More than a few followers stopped by the booth, and it was so lovely meeting you all out in the wild! Every day was nonstop work, but it was absolutely worth it.  No time to catch up on much needed rest, though - it’s back to the grindstone of making comics and drawing yearning lady knights as always!


Upcoming Adventures 

I’ll be attending Flame Con in New York City on August 17-18th at booth number O146. This will be my fourth time returning to this convention, along with some incredible friends made along the way. Please come say hello if you’re able to stop by!

And as for all you Rose City Comic Con ( Sept. 6th-8th - Portland, OR) goers, come find me tabling in Artist Alley!


Yarrow Progress

With the help from my amazing book coach and the support of my loved ones I’ve continued to make great progress on Yarrow. A first draft of the manuscript is complete, and revisions for the second draft are now taking place. 374 pages of thumbnails are burning a hole in my computer at the moment, waiting for the chance to be turned into a comic page. Not all of those thumbnails sadly will make it. Many pages will have to be cut in this process - noble sacrifices, which I hope will save my wrist from falling off. 

Roughly drawn sketches of comic panels


Yarrow Character Drop - Hester

Last issue you met Yarrow, the main character of my upcoming original graphic novel of the same name. Now, let’s talk about her maelstrom of a mother, Hester

Hester is a mind speaker and a necromancer, although she has often hid the latter to avoid being hunted down or forced to run to another town (a lesson hard learned). Hester works as a healer, complimenting the bulkier income Yarrow brings in working odd, sellsword jobs. A healer’s job can be difficult and thankless. Those you save often forget what you’ve done, while those who slipped away - well, their loved ones will always remember. 

Hester has taken a vow to never raise the dead despite her necromantic ability. Instead, she practices laying a body to rest, giving final rites in whichever manner the deceased had desired. She can commune with the dead to provide comfort to the living and can raise spirit constructs made of the bones of consenting ancestors. 

 Hester can seem cold and emotionally closed off. She constantly reminds Yarrow that they can’t trust anyone beyond their own kind, and is quick to sacrifice bits of their happiness for safety and stability. Yet, her emotional distance from Yarrow is something she is fighting to fix before it damages her relationship with her only daughter for good. 


Modern AU Thoughts

I’ve been having some Modern AU thoughts, as you do, and I think it’s safe to say Yarrow would work at a bakery and drive a motorcycle to work. She’d also be a volunteer firefighter. 

Random NPC Reveal from Yarrow

Please meet Madame Costa, the Tabaxi landlady who oversees the apartment that Yarrow and Hester’s rent. (And sneak a peek of her son, Alexi).

Madame Costa’s favorite food is melon wrapped in prosciutto with mozzarella and her favorite ‘weapon’ is keeping track of all of her tennants secrets and debts to use against them. Alexi’s favorite food is Green Tea Taiyaki from the local market, and his favorite ‘weapon’ is his sling shot he built himself.


This is the very cramped apartment which Yarrow and Hester just barely afford to rent from Madame Costa. Yarrow sleeps in the loft and Hester sleeps under the ladder, right next to the kitchen. 

Signing off with well wishes and happy adventuring! Thank you for your continued support and have a great rest of your day~ 


Greetings New Adventurers