Privacy Policy

Thank you for visiting my website. Let’s start by letting you know that I, Savanna, do not directly collect, store, or use any personal data from this website other than that which is submitted voluntarily when a visitor subscribes to my newsletter.  That said, some services used to operate this website and newsletter may utilize cookies and store personal data when necessary for security and functionality.

Website Privacy

As you visit this website, it will automatically collect and store certain information about your visit. This information does not directly identify you personally. This includes:

  • The site from which you linked to our site

  • The date and time you access our site

  • The type of browser you’re using

  • The type of device used (computer, phone, tablet)

  • The pages you visit on our site

  • Internal links

  • Your IP address; an IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer whenever you are surfing the web. I do not directly view your IP address; it’s instead automatically used to estimate an abstracted geographical location based on your web service provider.

All of this general data is combined into general analytical figures and can not readily be used to directly identify a single visitor. I do not track or record data to tie to individuals, organizations, or their visits. This data is made accessible to me for the span of 1 month. It is managed by Squarespace. To have this information removed, please contact SquareSpace support at

Visitor Cookies 

Cookies are small pieces of data related to your use of a website.  They are stored in a text file by your browser. When used benignly, cookies help recall information about your prior visits to make your current visit more pleasant and secure. For example, a site may use cookies to prevent a pop-up from appearing which you’ve already seen, or to remember your timezone so that meeting times can be automatically converted to your timezone.

You may control permissions for cookies on this or any other website by adjusting your individual browser settings for customized privacy protection.  Instructions on how to for major browsers are as follows:

Chrome: Clear, enable and manage cookies in Chrome

Safari: Manage cookies and website data in Safari

Firefox: Clear cookies and site data in Firefox

Internet Explorer: Delete and manage cookies

Microsoft Edge: Delete cookies in Microsoft Edge

If you do disable cookies on this site, you may be unable to use certain cookie-dependent features.

Squarespace Cookies

My website platform, Squarespace, deploys only the necessary functional and required cookies needed by the service for website operation. It does not utilize any analytical cookies, nor any other variety that might track or store individual, personal data. 

 Click here for a list of necessary functional cookies that may be used when you visit. 

Google reCAPTCHA Cookies

My newsletter signup form is protected by Google’s reCAPTCHA. reCAPTCHA is a free service which protects our mailing list from software bots to prevent misuse by non-human visitors. This prevents crippling bot attacks, allowing me to better serve and communicate with real human visitors.

reCAPTCHA collects personal user data to determine if actions on this website are made by human people. Thus data Google needs for its reCAPTCHA service may be sent to Google, including IP address. Within member states of the European Economic Area, IP addresses are generally compressed before the data makes its way to a server in the USA. Your IP address will not be combined with other personal data unless you are signed into a Google service account at the time of the reCAPTCHA.  reCAPTCHA will examine your cookies to see if there are any present from use of other Google services. It may also add reCAPTCHA cookies to your browser and take a snapshot of your browser window.

This data is stored by Google for an undisclosed time and at an undisclosed location on its own servers. To prevent this data from being captured and stored, you must log out of all Google services, clear all related Google Cookies, and disable cookies on your browser. Please refer to Google’s privacy policy.  In order to have this data removed, contact Google Support at . You may visit for more information.


When you sign up for my newsletter, you voluntarily provide personal data about yourself, including email address, first name, and last name.  This data allows me to send you emails containing news about my work. This personal data is stored securely by my newsletter mailing service, Brevo. In using this service, you are subject to Brevo’s privacy policy detailed at . The sign-up form also uses reCaptcha by Google, the terms of which are detailed in the preceding “Google reCAPTCHA Cookies” section above.

You may unsubscribe from our mailing list at any time using the following link. You may request complete removal from our list by emailing with the subject line “Please Remove My Data”.

You may exercise your consumer privacy rights and request Brevo remove any further personal data by emailing